Converting blocks into digital securities, reinventing the way real estate projects come to life

About SolidBlock

SolidBlock makes property work for everyone. We are building a new asset class based on real estate, combining the stability of the property market growth and efficiency of blockchain-based financial products. SolidBlock creates tradable digital assets backed by real estate that grant investors rights to revenue, dividends, or interest and allow them to benefit from the growth of their property as well as trade their assets at any time.

Location: Tel Aviv

Year Founded: 2018

Vertical: Real Estate

Employees: 1 – 10


Social Media:


The real estate market has not experienced the advantages of liquidity like many other markets that were digitized and with such assets as gold and company stock tradable through modern technological platforms. It remained tedious, complex, slow-moving and costly.  Real estate investors expect their funds to be locked up for several years; the minimum amounts to invest are high and there’s a lack of access to great global projects.

  • Startup Pre-revenue 0% 0%
  • Startup Post-revenue $1 – $2M 100% 100%
  • Scaleup $2M – $10M 0% 0%
  • Scaleup $10M+ 0% 0%

Core Benefits

  • Opening the real estate market to everyday investors.
  • Lowering investment thresholds – translation: you shouldn’t have to be mega-rich to start making money in real estate.
  • Clearing the way for local-stakeholder fundraising, revitalizing developing nations and depressed inner-city neighborhoods.
  • Removing regulatory hassles that bar all but the largest investors in the most lucrative real estate development projects.
  • Breaking down geographic barriers
  • SolidBlock is not conducting a Regulation Crowdfunding offering. Hosted by Wefunder Inc.

Ideal Customers

Consumers (B2C) 


In 5 years we will open the real estate market to millions of people with over 1 billion dollars of assets tokenized


The real estate market has not experienced the advantages of liquidity like many other markets that were digitized and with such assets as gold and company stock tradable through modern technological platforms. It remained tedious, complex, slow-moving and costly. Real estate investors expect their funds to be locked up for several years; the minimum amounts to invest are high and there’s a lack of access to great global projects.

Core Benefits

  • Opening the real estate market to everyday investors.
  • Lowering investment thresholds – translation: you shouldn’t have to be mega-rich to start making money in real estate.
  • Clearing the way for local-stakeholder fundraising, revitalizing developing nations and depressed inner-city neighborhoods.
  • Removing regulatory hassles that bar all but the largest investors in the most lucrative real estate development projects.
  • Breaking down geographic barriers
  • SolidBlock is not conducting a Regulation Crowdfunding offering. Hosted by Wefunder Inc.

Ideal Customers

Consumers (B2C) 


In 5 years we will open the real estate market to millions of people with over 1 billion dollars of assets tokenized

  • Startup Pre-revenue 0% 0%
  • Startup Post-revenue $1 – $2M 100% 100%
  • Scaleup $2M – $10M 0% 0%
  • Scaleup $10M+ 0% 0%