Serial Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist Anthony Di Iorio to Deliver Keynote “How We Raised Over $18M via Global P2P Decentralized Network”
With just under 2 weeks until the big day, we’re thrilled to announce this year’s closing keynote at the 2016 Canadian Crowdfunding Summit on March 3: Anthony Di Iorio, serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, community organizer and thought leader in the field of disruptive and decentralized technologies.
Anthony is currently the Chief Digital Officer at The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) / TMX Group, founder and CEO of Kryptokit, Decentral and Decentral Consulting, and most notably the co-founder of Ethereum, a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Ethereum is the world’s 5th highest funded crowdfunding campaign, raising over $18,439,086 (partially funded by bitcoins).
At Decentral Consulting, Anthony and his team provide guidance to financial institutions and enterprise clients on digital transformations, Fintech & blockchain technologies. Since 2012, Anthony has hosted over 100 community-building events, including the first Canadian Bitcoin Expo in 2014, and DEC_TECH (Decentralized Technology) events held at MaRS Discovery District. In 2015, Anthony became a lecturer for the University of Nicosia’s Master’s program in Digital Currency, he is an Influencer for Deloitte’s initiative, the Cryptocurrency Advisor to MaRS’ Fintech Cluster, and a member of the Bitcoin Speakers Bureau for the Bitcoin Foundation.
Hear Anthony share his story of raising over $18M for Ethereum via a global P2P decentralized network at #CCS2016!